A multiplayer easy to use synth studio builder and player????

CleanShot 2024-07-21 at 14.49.26@2x.png

The truth is that we don’t really know, is a bit of a in-progress answer. The idea of the “collaborative synth studio” came to be because of a random experiment. I think what I like about this project is that it has so many components and possibilities. Is easy to find pieces that would get excited folks from different fields. But ultimately I think this is not about music per se. On one hand because most of the folks collaborating so far (including me) know very little about music. But secondly because there are already amazing things out there for music production.

I think the goal here is finding the right excuse and project that ultimately motivates folks to hang out and build stuff, as I expressed here (these sessions are the goal, what happens after is the cherry on top.)

This is an ongoing definition but today I would say our focus is to:

So yeah, music is somewhere there, it drives most of our inspiration, but ultimately is the excuse that let us work towards a bigger goal while chipping on the areas that each of us love.

<aside> <img src="/icons/invitation_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/invitation_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> What do you love doing/building? would love to invite others collaborators!
